Marek Brott, Catherine Jenkins, Madison Dutton

Congratulations Ladies! You each have won a $2000 award from Building A Better World Scholarship. Please go here to learn more about the history of our Scholarship.
Muskegon Chronicle – Building A Better World – August 14, 2016
Please meet our Class of 2017 Winners.
2017 Independent Travel Scholarship Award Winner. The Building a Better World Scholarship Travel stipend is awarded annually to a student who best articulates a well-written travel philosophy that encompasses an inclusive global perspective. A required portion of that essay, spells out that individual’s guidelines for an independent road trip. The student must research, plan, and take the journey in order to be compensated.
Marek Brott won a $2000 travel stipend for a summer road trip to Montana. Marek loves horses and riding and has long been a member of FFA. She’s ridden competitively since the age of 12, and plans to continue to do so at Findlay College in Ohio this Fall. Findlay features a renown equestrian program, in class and in stable, one that Marek is excited to join. Her plans are to attend school at Findlay for four years and major in Animal Science with a minor in western equestrian studies. Marek plans on pursuing a career in equine dentistry. This summer however, she’ll be roaming the Rockies in Western Montana, on horseback and on foot, courtesy of donors to Building A Better World Scholarship.
Congratulations Marek. Please go here to read excerpts from Marek’s winning essay.
2017 Global Awareness Award Winners. The Global Awareness portion of the Building A Better World Scholarship requires the applicant to articulate a philosophy that stresses the importance of personal global awareness. It challenges students to consider the lives and values of foreign cultures, and to address how that understanding makes this a better world. Finally, the Global Awareness Award calls on the winner to match her life plans with a sound global philosophy. This year the Building A Better World Scholarship recognizes two Global Awareness Winners.
Catherine Jenkins will officially graduate from Oakridge High School next year, as she is a current participant in the MCC Early College Program. She did however, finish eighth in her 2017 graduating class. Catherine participated in a host of eye opening travel experiences while enrolled at Oakridge, including the Selma Trip in the Spring of 2017 and to D.C. for Washington Close Up as a junior. She was a member of National Honor’s Society, three years of Student Council and two in Drama Club. Her plans are to achieve her Associates degree at Muskegon Community College next year and then continue onto Grand Valley State University where she will major in Math, with a double minor in English and Political Science. Catherine wants to teach high school overseas, return to the USA and teach here, always on a track to continuing global awareness.
Congratulations Catherine. Please go here to read excerpts from Catherine’s winning essay.
Madison Dutton graduated fourth in the 2017 Oakridge High School Senior class. She was member of National Honor’s Society and for two years served on Student Council. Madison traveled with Catherine, Missy Dutton (mom) and 20 other Oakridge students to the “Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee” in the Spring of 2017. She has been a four year Varsity participant on the two time District Championship Oakridge High School softball team. Madison intends to study this Fall at Ferris State University where she will enter the nursing program. In addition she plans on studying abroad at Ferris. As an eventual Ferris State graduate, Madison Dutton wants to take her nursing skills into the third world and serve in “…whatever way I possibly can.”
Congratulations Madison. Please go here to read excerpts from Madison’s winning essay.
For more info on The Building A Better World Scholarship please go here. Go here for a copy of the Scholarship Application form. And here for an updated list of our donors.
If you would like to donate… we have a number of options open to you.
- Don’t worry how much to give ($10, $20, $30, $100 – any amount) It’s that you join us that matters most. We want your
support more than your cash…but we need both!
- You may donate online here with a credit card donation. Your information is secured through Pay Pal.
- or by check made out to OHS Building A Better World Scholarship. Mail to Oakridge High School – 5493 East Hall Rd – Muskegon, MI 49442. or contact Bob Wood at or 616-402-8668
Thank You All – this Scholarship is truly a grassroots endeavor…