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Jacob Barnard – Global Awareness ($1000)

Jacob Barnard – University of Michigan / Fall 2012

Jacob Barnard is enrolled as a 2012 freshman at University of Michigan in Political Science .  After his undergraduate studies, he intends to pursue a JD law degree  from University of Michigan Law School.  He also is auditioning for the University Marching Band and plans to be on the football field at the Big House this Fall.

From Jacob’s winning scholarship essay...

“…if you’re not globally aware, you will be ignorant of the struggles that people are facing.  Ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, but ignorance of peoples’ troubles is definitely not bliss for them.  However, you don’t need to know people on an individual level in order to care about things like starving children or human trafficking; you just need to know that it is happening and natural human compassion will make you care.  Whether you care enough to act or not is a different matter.  If you didn’t know those things were happening at all, however, how could you possibly be concerned about them or do anything to make things better?

…Global awareness, therefore, pushes us to care about and want to help people we may never meet, which is exactly why it helps build a better world.  Also, in order to change the world for the better, we must  be thinking about everybody, not just ourselves, because, despite what we often like to often think, we as individuals are not the world.”

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Please join with us…in building a better world – with an online donation

Go here for everything you need to know about the OEA Building A Better World Scholarship.

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DO NOT BE AFRAID – of taking out College Loans?

Don’t panic on this College Loan thing…

The only thing worse than signing any and every single loan application that comes across your plate – without knowing the long term implications, is to sign nothing.  You cannot be afraid of all loans.  You cannot procrastinate the situation, refuse to look at taking on some debt, and not go to college because you may have to face a reasonable monthly bill for getting an education.  Be smart.  Do your homework.  Weigh the pros and cons of the price tag of various college and do a little comparison shopping here.

look at it this way…

Think of all of those high school seniors who go straight from school into the workforce…most likely into an underpaid and dead end service sector job, with bad or non existent health care benefits.  Many of those kids use their new found wealth to buy a new car.  Well, lets look at some of the comparisons.

  • 2012 Toyota Camry – costs $22,500 + $1,350 (tax) title and extras = $25,000
  • $25,000 loan for 63 months at 3.67% interest – $440.44 month – total loan $27,747

So here’s your opportunity cost:

  • $25,500 average debt for a college grad in 2010
  • $293 a month loan repayments for ten years
  • Total Loan – $35,214
  • CAR
  • $25,000 – 2012 Camry (title, tax, license)
  • $440 a month loan repayments for five 1/2 years
  • Total Loan – $27,747

And once you have a degree according to 2008 statistics:  

  • The avg earnings of full-time worker with a bachelors degree  $55,700
  • The avg earnings of full-time worker with a high school diploma  $33,800
...just do the math.  Plus going to college can be an exciting and  life changing experience.  Don’t you dare give in to fear…not with so much on the line.

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Filed under LOANS & GRANTS - What YOU need to know, Uncategorized

Three More “Oakridge Only” Coming Around the Corner

Hey kids there’s still a lot of money out there.  Three “OHS only” scholarships are due up in the next two weeks.

#1 – April 27Rich McCarthy Scholarship – $1000

#2 – May 1 – Building A Better World Scholarship – ($3000)  three separate $1000

#3 – May 4 – Oakridge Alumni Scholarship – $250

Don’t drool your way to the end of the school year just yet…there’s money to be had!


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$1000 Rich McCarthy Oakridge Scholarship – Deadline April 27

The Rich McCarthy Oakridge Scholarship is currently a one-time $1000 award, available each year for a graduating senior from Oakridge High School.  To qualify, a candidate must exhibit demonstrated academic ability and a strong motivation to succeed and to pursue higher education.

Please go here for the application.

The Deadline to apply is April 27.

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